Monday, September 5, 2011

Life equals love.

I know it’s been a while since I last posted something on my blog. I have no idea where the time has gone, it’s already September, that means in 3 months this year will be over. Wooow indeed!!, I had no idea that time can go so fast, like I do right now. So many things has happened to me in the last few months. Lots of ups and downs but most importantly, I met someone, someone so special, someone that makes me happy every time I am with him. I learned to love again, when I thought that I will never find true love. Indeed I am lucky because I have another chance with someone that I love so much. Right now I am so happy; I pray to god that everyone in this world is as happy as I am. My love story is a little complicated and there will be lots of challenges for sure, but then I am ready to fight for it, cause I know it’s worth it and its worth every tear drop that I could shad for it.

Love is something that I wish for everyone, because it makes you feel alive and complete. So love, love for love and enjoy it, even if it hurts. Pain means life; life is love, so therefore life equals love.


  1. I wish you all the best through this journey. You deserve to be happy! Plus, you two make one heck of a hot couple... just saying... ;)

  2. You are my darling and I love you dearly. You gave me the opportunity to get to know you and then you gave me the honour to fall in love with you. You gave me your heart which is the most precious and cherished gift. There is no life without you. You are the source of my happiness and I promise to always take care of you. I will work so hard to make you happy and have you feel the way you make me feel. I am alive with you. I love you with all of my heart and every fiber of my being. I thank God that you were brought into my life and that I get to spend forever with you.

    I love you Imane and will love you forever.

