Friday, February 27, 2009

A Painting..

Even though I slept late last night I woke up early today, I wanted to sleep more but I couldn’t so I got up and had my coffee and then went to my accountant to get my taxes done, well, this is the first time for me to visit him at his home, and there I met his wife, and for some reason she liked me to much that it made me feel so uncomfortable, she kept talking to me which I did not mind but what scared me is that she kept looking at me and telling me that I am so beautiful and that she wants me to meet her son, I had to lie to her and told her that I am seeing someone right now, she said that if I ever want to meet someone new to let her know, isn’t that funny!!! Anyways after that we actually talked about other things, I also liked her too cause she is a good talker and funny too, she actually invited me to have lunch tomorrow with her and her husband I had to say no, it didn’t feel right, besides I do have other obligations for tomorrow.

I bought a painting today it is so beautiful, it is the picture of a little girl that is looking somewhere beyond her sight and smiling but at the same time there are tear drops coming down her checks, for some reason when I looked at this painting I saw myself in it, even though it is way beyond my budget I decided to buy it, I want it to be the first thing that I will hang in my new condo. The painting reminded me of me when I was younger, I use to always look forward for the future but at the same time I use to always be scared of it, and that made me cry. I remember when I was just 8 years old, I use to have this dream about me going to Spain, and getting lost in the middle of no where and some how someone comes and takes me to a place that is so beautiful and peaceful but then that person leaves me alone and after that I use to always wake up and cry, I don’t know why, even though the dream wasn’t scary at all I think that this dream is a message that I am suppose to understand but up till this day I have no I idea what is that dream suppose to mean, I still see it from time to time and for some reason when I saw this painting today it reminded of the dream maybe this is why I bought it even though it was pricy. Anyways I cannot wait to hang it in my new condo, I think that it will give my little apartment the insides of me, so that when people comes and visit me they will know me better I guess!!, I am going to have to wait and see what people will think.

Nothing really...

Today was a long day for me, lots of driving, from Kanata, back home and then to downtown and Barhaven, I usually don’t mind driving at all, but for some reason I was very tired today, I actually just came home, guess what happened??? my dad came back from his trip 2 months early I was shocked, you know when you come home and don’t expect to see anyone, you suddenly find some one standing in front of you and smiling, well, that to me was scary. Even though my dad and I are not really in great terms and we always have issues, I was happy to see him and for some reason I felt save, maybe because I was feeling a little lonely lately, especially last month I needed him more than anything else, you see when I use to face some problems I use to go to mom, she use to always be there for me, but since she is gone, and last month wasn’t great for me and I was alone, I needed my dad, I needed someone to tell me that everything is going to be fine, I needed to hug him so tight and feel secure and save, I did survive though and I was able to move on and enjoy whatever I have to keep me happy and made so many new decisions that I will for sure talk about in a later posts.

I know that what I am saying makes no sense but for some reason I feel like talking even though I can barely open my eyes, I think that my eyes and my body are begging me to go to sleep but I am resisting it I have no idea why. I have a smile in my face for some reason. I'm listening to this very nice song, every time I listen to it, it touches me so much that I keep listening to it over and over again it is The Rose - by Bette Midler, The best part of the song is the last part where she says “just remember far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the Rose” isn’t that amazing and true???? I love music it always seems to make me feel like I am free and flying and helps me forget and puts a satisfied smile in my face… I can’t resist anymore I need to go to be bed now, I have another long day ahead of me but it should be fun for sure.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Weekend!!

Last weekend was one of the best weekend that I have had in such a long time, I think it started on Friday when I went with a friend of mine to Carleton university to check something up for her, this friend of mine is very special to me, and for some reason every time we do something together, weird things happens to us it is usually adventurous and fun, I just love spending time with her I am seriously blessed to have her in my life, she came at the right time ( Joudi if you are reading this, just want to tell you that you are the best indeed).

Saturday was a different story we had a blast, we went dancing, we danced like crazy and screamed just like babies it was great and we enjoyed it, after releasing all of our stress out by screaming and dancing we went for a very late dinner, there we were so tired but so happy we talked endlessly none stop about anything and everything. It’s been a while since I last had a good time, it reminded me of the college days, where I use to with my college friends don’t care about anything and just have fun and enjoy life, sometimes I feel that growing up is suck (excuse my langue) , we tend to worry a lot when we grow up, even though when we are younger we can’t wait to be older and when we are older we want to go back to becoming sixteen and seventeen again, I think us humans are never satisfied with what we have. Anyways I don’t want to ruin this I just want to say, that bad things do happen and it happens all the time but the best way to deal with it, is to be happy and enjoy your time cause I am a firm believer that there is nothing bad in life, we make things bad, by worrying and thinking negatively about what ever we face, but the truth is bad things happen so that we can move on with our lives and explore new things in life, by either meeting new people or getting a new job or even by travelling or going back to school to help us advance our knowledge, so if you come to really think about it, it is not bad at all, it is actually preparing us for the unknown that we are all scared of, I think the unknown is something that is known, if only we know how to deal with it, and we have to always have faith in us and of course in tomorrow and in god.

After dinner we walked in the market, I just love Ottawa at night it is beautiful and full of life, it was cold but I wasn’t feeling cold, I was enjoying the company and everything else, I only wish that everyone can feel what I feel and see what I see, I know that if this happens so many things will change because I like to see everyone happy, I think that when you are happy and satisfied you can move on and think positively, this will help you go forward in life and make all your dreams come true. So be happy and always have faith in the future, cause as I always say every day is a new beginning and new a challenge and new opportunities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wandering around...

This morning I woke up very early, I also couldn’t sleep last night and I have no idea why???, anyways, while having my cup of coffee and the best chocolate chip cookie I was trying to decide what do today before class and before my presentation. I wanted to do something before the day progress and the next thing I know it is time to go to class and start the presentation. My group members want me to present they think that I have the skills and I can talk in front of people, I did not want to disappoint them so I said yes! But now I kind a regret it, I will be talking about capacity management for about an hour the though of it makes me a little nervous, but I know that I can do it and I hope that we will get a good mark since it is a huge project and it is 30% toward our final mark. I don’t know what is wrong with me and presentations I always seem to be put in a situation where I have to present, I don’t mind doing it though, I think it is the best way of learning.

I looked outside and I saw that the day is still young; I decided to go to the market or down town for a walk and get my second cup of coffee from Starbucks, so up I went.

While I was walking in the market few hours ago, I was thinking and my eyes were wandering I said to myself what a perfect way to start the day, looking at people getting ready to go to work and start their day and students going to the university to look after their future, made me think and realize how amazing life is, when we are younger we worry about the future and our marks and wanting to get a good job and buy a new car, and when we get older and become more experienced and have the job that we always wanted, we worry about so many other things, like for instance these days we are all worried about the economy and how it is going to affect us. I thought to myself we always seem to have something to worry about, I can’t recall anytime that I did not have to worry about anything, I think that this is part of life, to me life is a long soap opera that never ends. Anyways, I walked from Rideau center to the market to Ottawa University and went into the neighbor hood of that area I think that I got lost, since I have never seen it before, people are actually living there, there are some old homes and apartment buildings and some are for rent, looking at it made me think, since I am planning to buy a condo soon, I said to myself, why don’t I buy a condo in downtown, where it is close to everything and I love it, I think that I like the idea, I just need to talk to my cousin who is a real estate agent and see what he thinks. Anyways, I kept walking and thinking for about 2 hours, I then realized that I was tired and I need to go back, I have no idea how I came back to the Rideau center and from there I went to chapters and got myself a book and a cup of coffee, now here I am sitting at Starbucks waiting for my group members to show up so that we can discuss the remaining of the project before presenting it tonight at 7:00 pm, ooo well! I have to go now, there they are all 4 of them :-), we are not just group members we are also good friends.

Monday, February 16, 2009

At Seventeen

Just to night while I was driving back home, I was listening to the radio there was this song called at seventeen by Janis Ian, the song touched me in a way, I have never heard it before which is weird since it is a fairly old song, anyways the lyrics of the song is about an ordinary little girl that was rejected by boys when she was younger just because she wasn’t beautiful, it is unfortunate that this is true and it happens all the time, I remember when I was in high school, there was this little girl that wasn’t liked by anyone, just because she looked different, but I didn’t care, I went to her and asked if she wanted to join me for lunch sometimes, she accepted my invitation and I was happy that that she did, we became very good friends, she actually helped me a lot in so many things in my life, she is one of the most beautiful people that I have ever met. To me beauty is not physical it is what is inside of you, that will reflect the outside of you. I hope that people will stop judging people just by their physical appearance and learn that the real beauty is the personality of the person. I met so many people through out my life, from different cultures and different countries, the more I see people the more I love them and love to know more about their lives and their believes because once you know the inside of them, the outside wouldn’t really matter any more, what ever you see inside it will reflect on the outside. We unfortunately all are affected by prejudice thinking that just cause this person looks a certain way and believe in certain things that means that this person is not worth knowing, we tend to judge people before we know them, and that is the most unpleasant thing to do.

At seventeen, we are suppose to be happy and ready and anxious for the future, not sad and rejected and scared just because we look a certain way, it is not our fault that we are not pretty, we have to always remember that because beauty is something that lies beneath and it comes slowly to reach our hearts so that it will reflect our looks. A lot of people say that I am beautiful, this makes feel good, but I like it more when they say to me that I am nice and friendly, I don’t want anyone to see my face I want people to see what is beyond that because that is where my real beauty is.

Here is the song...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

valentine’s day and a trip to San Francisco

Last night my single friends and I decided to celebrate valentine’s day our way, since all the others are celebrating it with their significant others, even my brother, he actually asked me to help him prepare a meal for his unknown girl friend, I am not good at cooking I actually don't cook at all but I tried to help him as much as I can and it turned up to be a decent meal for them. So anyways, my friends and I decided that love is not only for couples it is also for singles and that we have to also celebrate it because it is not just about love, love, it is also about the love of friendship, and the love of god and so many other lovely things. I only wish that this love day could be in the spring, since it is the best time of the year and everyone is happy now that the trees are blooming and the birds are singing, and everyone is getting ready for the summer and the excitement, I think that if valentine’s day was the first day of spring it would’ve been ideal for everyone, cause it will not only be the celebration of the spring it is also going to be the celebration of love, how amazing it is to combine both, if only!!.

Back to yesterday, it was a lovely night, there is something traditional that we do in Lebanon while having an amazing night and that is smoking the Argeele (they call it here hubbly bubbly), it is something that I do from time to time only with my very close friends and not very often, we do it cause it gives the evening a booster and makes it more fun. Of course we spoke about love and today or I should say yesterday, we made a mission for ourselves which is, that we have to find someone and soon, so that next year we will be celebrating love with that person, I think that it is not an easy assignment but I will do my best to succeed, you see, I like someone, and I think that, that someone also likes me, so here is what I am going to do, is try and talk to him and broke the ice, because I think that he is shy and scared to approach me even though I am a relaxed person and if only he knows how special he is to me, I don’t think that he will fear to do it at all, but I promised my friends that I will help him out and see how it is going to turn up to be, I just hope that it is not an illusion and that he shares my feelings.

Toward the end of the evening, we were so tired but I also felt happy for some reason, and guess what?? We decided to go to San Francisco in March, I have a week off from school and instead of staying here in Ottawa why not go to my favorite city SF, and enjoy the best sushi that you could ever have, I love sushi and the best place to have it is in SF. I also spent the best days in my life in SF, I think it is the most beautiful city in the world and I think that if some one did not go to SF they should, it is worth every second of your time and life, I can’t wait to go and drive in the high way going toward the half moon bay area, it is amazing and the scenery is like heaven. I went to SF last September with my friends we went to The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay hotel, it is by the beach of the half moon bay area, we stayed there for a week and I use to every morning just walk by the beach and enjoy it, just looking at it made me feel like my life is complete, I could stay there for hours just walking and enjoying the sound of the beach, of course the food was also great. There is a pizza place in the heart of down town SF, it is an Italian pizza place I can’t really remember the name of the restaurant since my brother is the one who took us, they have the best Pizza that you could ever have, this is one of the things that I will go to as soon as I get there, (of course I need to ask my brother what is the name of the restaurant) . I am so excited about this trip; every time I go to SF I feel like I am born again, I think it is my pill of happiness.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just a thought!!

since it is the day before valentine’s day, and love is in the air here is a thought that crossed my mind while packing to get ready to go to Toronto for the long weekend...

"The greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your mistakes and weaknesses and still finds you completely amazing."

Have a happy love day.

P.S: by the way my trip to Toronto was cancelled, long story and I don't feel like talking about it, maybe some day I will..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have a dream..

I know that I have been writing a lot lately, maybe because I have more time, now that I am not employed anymore, you see I always wanted to become a journalist, but for some reason I bailed on my dream which is wrong and I shouldn’t have done it , maybe I did what I did cause so many people did not recommend that dream for me, not doing what I wanted to do, it kept me feeling that I am missing something, that something inside of me is empty. I love writing, cause it is the best way for me to express myself, I do it through thinking deep inside of me and what ever comes into my mind I just type, maybe some day I will accomplish my dream, I don’t know how, and when, but I know that I want to do something about it, it could be by writing a book, that talks about everything and anything, I know this sounds ridiculous now but that’s because I still don’t know what to name the book, once I do, all will make perfect sense, I think even if this book wasn’t a success I will be happy just for having it done, until this second it is still a dream but I will make this dream happen, I don’t know when, but I hope soon.

I will be travelling soon, I will be gone for almost 2 months, I am not sure when, there are some things that I need to do before starting my long trip, I could not end up going, it all depends, but anyways, if I do travel, here is what I am going to do, I will buy a small note book and while exploring the world and meeting new people, I will jot down anything unique that I will see and experience maybe this will help me with my dream book, so that when I come back, I can look at it and try and create something out of it. Now I have a dream that was taken away from me, but I will do my best to make it come true, I promise.

Different quotes

I believe that reading something that might put a smile in my face, or makes me think positively is the best way to start a new day, cause every day is a new beginning and new chance to change our lives into something better and maybe try and make us happier, so enjoy and believe cause when you believe you achieve...I also believe that everything happens for a reason, people change so that they can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate things when they are right, and sometimes good things in life fall apart so better things can fall together.

Hello means:
H- Have you missed me?
e- Everything is alright
l- Like to be with you
l- Like to see you
o- Obviously I miss you
Just want to say hello to you.

Smile it’s free..

If you dream it, you can do it…

Dance like no one is watching

Don’t make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option

The best thing in life is unseen, that’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream…

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it just means that you are strong enough to let go….

Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to another day…

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life, it goes on...

What’s better a lie that draws a smile, or the truth that draws a tear?

You will find as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have truly loved are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say why me, just say try me.

Don’t cry for someone who won’t cry for you.

We don not remember days, we remember moments.

Life is not a written book you pick up and read, it is journal waiting for you to fill it’s pages.

Expect nothing and appreciate everything.

Every day is a fashion show and the world is my runway…

Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you…

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and just live a little better.

Go for long walks, indulge for hot baths, question your assumptions, be kind to yourself, live for the moment, loosen up, scream! curse the world, count your blessings, just let go, just be..

Happy moments, praise god, difficult moments, seek god, quite moments worship god, painful moments trust god, and every moment thank god...

Live for nothing or die for something

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have thousands of reasons to smile…

when it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead, you can always look beside you and your best friend will always be there.

Tears are words from the heart that can’t be spoken…

Never explain yourself, your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it.

Everything happens for a reason…

Live with intention, walk to the edge, listen hard, practice wellness, play with abandon, Laugh, choose with no regrets, continue to learn, appreciate your friends, do what you love, live as if this is all there is.. "Marry Anne Redmacher".

Laughter in the face of reality is probably the finest sound there is, in face a good time to laugh is anytime you can.

Love is just a word, until you find someone to give it a definition.

Tears are words from the heart that can’t be spoken…

Where there is love there is life

What doesn’t kill me, will only make me stronger..

When everything goes wrong, remember that it could be worse

Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain…

The person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others…

Beauty gets the attention, personality gets the heart

The only people you need in your life are these that need you in theirs…

The only things in life that you regret are the risks that you don’t take…

What meant to be will always find its way…

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel…

Do what makes you happy, be with whom makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live…

Keep smiling it makes people wonder what you’re up too…

Count your life by smiles not tears, count your life by friends not years…

Memories are always respected because it will always make us know the real meaning of love…

I am not the only one who’s crying tears through the years…..

Take chances because you never know how great something could turn out to be…

Every story has an end, but in life every end is a new beginning….

Shoot for the moon even if you miss it, you will land among the stars….

You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive it. That's an education in itself.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened…

Anyone can give up it’s the easiest thing in world to do, but to hold it together when everyone would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength…

The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own… you realize you control your destiny. Albert Ellis…

Be strong now because things will get better, it might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever…

True love only comes once in a life time, so take it as it goes and enjoy every bit of it while it is still burning…

Never live life unnoticed.

it's really hard to let go of someone you love...but there are times that you have to let go not because you want it that way, it's because it's more painful to hang on and wait for nothing.

Life’s challenges are designed to not break us, but to bend us toward god.

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it…

Life is what happens to you, while working for your future…

We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other every where.

Let go of what kills you, and hold on what keeps you breathing…

Love is just a four letter word that I never learned.

Everybody wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die…

Always forgive your enemies but never forget their names…

True love is like ghosts, who everyone talks about but few have seen.

Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed

When I am right no one remembers, and when I am wrong no one forgets.

Always tell the truth, that way you don’t have to remember what you said.

It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice…

Happiness is not a destination; it is a method of life... Burton Hills

It’s every girl’s dream to be kissed in the rain.

Love is a risk, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose, weather it’s right or wrong, misery or joy, love don’t have any space for mistakes, only lessons.

Don’t be scared of dying; be scared that you might die before you’ve actually lived.

Sometimes you just have to smile, pretend everything is ok, hold back the tears and just walk away.

I believe the personality and the soul is what makes a person beautiful, it does not always have to be physical appearance.

I think that everyone hold on to memories so tightly is because memories are the only things that don’t change when everything and everyone else does.

Someday everything will make perfect sense, so for now, laugh at the confusion smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted. John Lennon.

Pay no mind for those who talks behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead.

If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.

Being strong is important but knowing who you can count on is equally important.

Love can be magic, but magic can sometimes be an illusion

Life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, so waste your time and have the time of your life.

Never give up on things that make you smile.

Never miss an oppurtunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sitting in my room listening to my favorite radio station and surfing the net and looking at quotes, one quote that I found and loved and shared with my friends, it is by Christian Dior it says “Happiness is the secret to all beauty, there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness” amazing how right this quote is , today while I was having lunch with my cousin, we were actually discussing and talking about happiness and what is the real meaning of happiness, some people say it is love others say it is having money and health. But I think happiness is you, it is what is inside of you, if you are happy and satisfied with what you have and who you are, then I think that you should be happy, cause other things could come and go, I always thought that happiness is not about how rich you are, I have met so many people that are not rich at all and if you see how they live you’ll think that these people are the saddest but actually I came to know and be closer to them, I have realized that they are very happy with what they have and satisfied with their lives they think that life isn’t about materials it is about the beauty that is within us and I totally agree, cause you could be the richest on earth, but deep inside you are the poorest, cause there is no self satisfaction.

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel happy, nothing really special happened I just feel it, just like when you feel that some one likes you even though they never tell you, it is a gut feeling that you have that makes you happy, these days nothing really special is happening to me, but I feel happy and satisfied cause I know that I haven’t done anything wrong to anyone, I love all the people that I meet, and for some reason they always have some sort of an effect on me, I don’t know why, I like to learn from other people and listen to them, and try to make them happy or the least I can do is put a smile in their face. Happiness is always there, it is all over the place it’s a gift that is gifted to us, all we have to do is open the box of gift that is inside of us and start living and start being happy first with ourselves and then with others.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Being Crazy

Two days ago I went to the movies with some of my friends we were watching the Revolutionary Road movie, it is long and boring and I do not recommend it to anyone, but if you really like Leonardo DiCaprio and if you want to see the movie just for him, then I suggest you rent it. Anyways, what really grasped my attention is when him and his wife Kate Winslet in the movie of course, they were talking about being crazy and do not give a dam about anything, and just live the life that they want, according to them we only live once so be it and enjoy it even if what ever they want to do is crazy to other people, but then it makes total sense to them, what is really weird about the movie is that there was a crazy person that wasn’t really crazy or at least this is what I thought cause what he said made total sense to the couple and I think to me too. I think that the writer of the movie did that in purpose cause the message that he was trying to send is that, we never know until we try, we think it could be impossible or a crazy thing to do but it could turn up to be great, and that we shouldn’t hide behind our comfort zone, I totally agree with that. I think that I am contradicting myself by saying that the movie is not good but then it has a meaning maybe I didn’t like it cause of the ending, I am not going to say what it is, because I don't want to ruin it for who ever is going to see it.

I have done so many crazy things in my life, and looking back I don’t regret it at all, for some reason I always do crazy things sometimes it turns up to be great actually but other time it turns up to be devastating, but I never regret what I have done before, I try to learn from my mistakes and move on, cause I think the best way of learning is always the hard way. Everyone give advise to you and tell you what you should and what you shouldn’t do we try to listen, or at least I do, but then I do whatever I think should be done, it could be right or wrong but I want to experience it, so when the time comes and if it was bad, I know exactly how to fix it, I am good at fixing problems I’m actually an expert with this, maybe cause I have been through a lot in my life doing lots of crazy things, but I think being crazy is what made me who I am today. Don’t get me wrong I am very normal, romantic and trying to be a happy person I just love exploring the world that I’m living in, and I hope that some day when I meet the right person, we will be doing it together maybe with a little bit of experience and then I will have my happy ending

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I have to admit that being with out a job is something that is not as bad as I thought, I know and I hope that soon I will find something. Anyways, yesterday as I was walking in the mall with a very special someone we came across a gallery, it had lots of paintings, and the one that captured my eyes the most is the one with the drawing of our city Ottawa, I always knew that Ottawa is such a beautiful city but seeing it through a painting made me realize or remember how beautiful it is and how lucky we are to be living in a such beautiful city, I have been to so many places through out my life, I actually went to Paris 2 years ago, yea it’s beautiful and yea it is the city of love, the fashion is amazing and the food is great, but with all this I still did not like it as much as I love our Ottawa, I love the market, in the summer time I always go walking with my friends or even alone for hours enjoying the most delicious ice-cream and the most beautiful city and the nicest people that you could ever run into I actually made friends from just walking there and meeting new people I consider myself to be lucky to be living here I travelled a lot but I always tend to come back to Ottawa to my home , I just love everything about it, a friend of mine that I met from my previous job said to me once that she had never been to the market, I was shocked and now my mission is to take her some day when we both have time to the market and let her see how lucky we are to be living in Ottawa.

Now back to my original topic, looking at the paintings I was amazed by how talented some one could be, I wish I could paint like that, I think that if some one is blessed with such a talent should be lucky, because through their work they can release all their stress and send a message to the people through their gift. I love art music, cooking, and painting these are things that is so amazing and so beautiful cause they are part of each of our lives and we need this every day as the days passes by cause with these three things in our lives it gives a meaning to it and it makes it more bearable, when I’m sad and upset I love to listen to music, cause music is life, and food makes people happy and smile and painting is the unknown, the past, the future and the present, it’s the inside of us, our deepest feelings that through it only we can see the true us. I envy and respect anyone that has these gifts cause to me to be granted the gift of art is something beyond anything that is in this life.