Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Growing old!

What is it with me and music these days all I do is listen to music and do nothing, I feel like I am wasting a lot of time doing nothing, as I was driving today back home after meeting a friend of mine for coffee, I decided that I didn’t want to go home. I felt like being alone for once, so I drove all the way to Gatineau. I don’t know why I did it, all I knew is that I needed to go somewhere so I let my car lead the way for me. So when I found myself in Gatineau  I decided to visit a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in a while, so I called him up and told him that I was in the neighborhood, he was happy to hear from me, ten mins later I was at his place we talked and talked, he actually cooked me dinner, I never knew that he can cook he also told me that he is taking cooking classes at Algonquin, I have known this friend for almost 10 years and I never knew that he is such a good cook. He cooked us a yummy Brazilian meal it was so good and I was so hungry I enjoyed it to the last bite. Anyways, as we were having dinner, we talked about our college life together and about all our adventures, he also told me so many things about so many people that we both knew, wow as I was listening to him talking I was thinking to myself it’s been years now since we left college and if I look at myself back then and see me now, I wouldn’t want to go back to where I was, people get scared of getting old, quite honestly I don’t care, I think growing old is beautiful. when we are young we are always looking forward to something that we need but as we age we learn that even though we did not get what we wanted it’s ok cause we will always have tomorrow. An older person to me is like history and their face is a drawing of the past and present and the future, I have never had a grand mother or father, they all passed away before I was even born, so I did not have the pleasure of having them in my life. A colleague of mine from work showed me a picture of her grandparents and their house, it’s an old picture but it is full of history, it was taken back in 1920 and it so beautiful. Ok! back to my friend and dinner, I think that he said something to me, and I had to agree cause I wasn’t listening to what he was saying I just hope that I did not agree on something that I don’t really agree on, I was too shy to ask him about it cause I didn’t want him to feel that I wasn’t listening. After dinner we had coffee and dessert and then I left. As I was driving back home I was listening to my favorite music, and of course the roads were empty so my drive was nice and fast and after what I thought about this evening I came to very a important conclusion, growing old is great and it is the only way to wisdom and finding the peace that lies within us.

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