Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Life is life.....

so it's Wednesday night and its cold, typical January night.I am thinking back 10 years ago and how things have changed since then. How priorities have changed. 10 years ago I use to think I knew it all. I don't think that I did. I don't think anyone know it all. Life is a constant change and every day you learn something new. By meeting new people, having a new job and or becoming a parent. This in itself will transform your life inside out. whatever you learned is all gone once you hold that tiny little  precious baby in your arms. Its the most beautiful feeling but the scariest feeling ever. So yes, life is something we will never ever figure out. We think we finally did but then something happens that will completely change everything we thought we knew and we have no idea, what had happened or how it happened. So I guess life is life. Live it, enjoy it, love it and hate it. life is like a combination of spices, some of them are very spicy and some are mild and sweet. So whatever life has for you enjoy it. weather its spicy or not. Always remember we only live once, so take advantage of that and enjoy the spicyness....

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