Today was just great, I did something that I haven’t done in such a long time, I walked in the rain for almost 3 hours and ooo boy it felt so good and so refreshing. Walking in the rain is something that every one should do and I recommend it to all my friends, because I think it cleanses all of your worries, it also gives you hope and peace and relaxation beyond your belief, I think it is the best way to cure depression.
After my long amazing walk, I came back home, I had a big smile in my face, my dad was like “are you ok Imane” I said to him that I am just happy and satisfied with whatever, I actually invited my dad to dinner which I rarely do because every time we go out for dinner it ends up us arguing and not talking to each other, of course he paid since I am jobless now, all I did was invited him to dinner that he had to pay for, we went and had sushi, that is the only thing that my dad I have in common we both love sushi, it was a lovely evening and for some reason my dad and I did not argue and he actually did not ask me the usual question that he usually asks which is “ IMANE, WHEN ARE YOU PLANNING TO SETTLE DOWN AND FIND SOMEONE, I WANT TO SEE YOUR KIDS BEFORE I DIE”. We actually talked about so many other things and I enjoyed it really, I like it when my dad is relaxed and not intruding in my life, ooo by the way I will be moving to my new condo next month, I cannot wait, I know it is not going to be easy on my dad, but I think that this is the best thing for both of us, besides my brother just bought a house close to my dad’s house, I think that he should be ok.
I am feeling content now and I don’t want anything to ruin that, I think that my walking this afternoon was the reason of this beautiful feeling, this is why I love the spring and the summer it gives me the chance to be outside and with nature, this is where I belong, I relate my love of nature to Nigeria because it was always great and the views were amazing, I cannot wait to go to South Africa, I know that it is going to be great and loads of fun and I will be doing lots of swimming and mostly enjoying my walks by the ocean every morning at sun rise and every evening at sun set.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I know that this is such a bad topic to be talking about, but it is so unfortunate that it became almost part of this century, cancer, I hate this disease, my mom was killed by it. Today while I was walking I ran into a friend of mine and she told me that her mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3 and that her chances are not so good, I think she said that she has 25% chance of surviving, I was shocked and sad for my friend and her mom cause I know exactly how she feels and how her mom must be feeling, and how difficult it is going to be for the both of them. I promised that I will be there for her, this is not just a promise I will do my best to help out, I know that when someone is going through this ugly disease all they need is a supportive hand and a shoulder to rely on, since this friend is very close to me and her mom is dear to my heart I felt so sad and upset. After my friend left I kept walking and thinking, why do we have such a curse that we have to always face, I think that everyone is scared of this disease, it is not just a sickness, it is an ugly thing that runs through our bodies secretly until it is strong enough to kill us and only then we find out that it is there and it is killing us softly without even feeling it. What is worse than cancer is it’s treatment, I will never forget the look in my mom’s eyes after each treatment, she use to be in pain and sad and scared and what use to kill me from the inside is that I could not do anything for her, I use to always wish if I could wipe away her pain, if I could take it all so that she can live and be happy again, if only I could’ve given her my life I would’ve done it gladly cause she deserved to live and be happy but I guess it was god’s will and that too I cannot do anything about.
Anyways, 2 hours later I decided to go back home, walking back home I kept thinking of my friend and how is she going to handle all this by herself, you see, her dad left them when she was only one, she has no sisters or brothers, her mom is her only family. I kept thinking that this is not fair, I mean why does this has to happen to her and her mom?? I will do my best to be there for them both and I do pray from the bottom of my heart that her mom will be cured and happy again. I guess that cancer is something that we have to fight in order to live. I will do my best to give all the positive energy that I have to my friend’s mom so that she can fight it and win her battle against cancer.
Anyways, 2 hours later I decided to go back home, walking back home I kept thinking of my friend and how is she going to handle all this by herself, you see, her dad left them when she was only one, she has no sisters or brothers, her mom is her only family. I kept thinking that this is not fair, I mean why does this has to happen to her and her mom?? I will do my best to be there for them both and I do pray from the bottom of my heart that her mom will be cured and happy again. I guess that cancer is something that we have to fight in order to live. I will do my best to give all the positive energy that I have to my friend’s mom so that she can fight it and win her battle against cancer.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Real Love...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
It is 11:15 pm now, sitting in my room, and listening to the radio, made me look back to almost 19 years ago (wow I am getting old), I was still very young and very anxious, I remembered when I use to with my family of course live in Nigeria (Kano), it was awesome living there, I had the best child hood just because I use to live there, I was only 2 years old when my parents moved us to Nigeria. It was in Nigeria that I learned how to bike and how to swim, and there I learned to love to walk in the woods. I remember our home was in the middle of a huge garden that is filled with flowers and trees, we use to have mango trees and banana trees and so many other trees that I have no idea what are they, all I know is that it was something that is so beautiful and so green, at the back of this huge garden we had a huge swimming pool, ooo how much I miss it. Every morning my twin sister and I use to go for a walk and then after that we use to go for a long swim how fun it use to be. It is in Nigeria that I have learned that people could be different but deep inside we are all the same, and that we all believe in one god, yea we all have different believes but the end result is the same, if only we can realize it, then I think there will be no wars and every one would live peacefully and happily. Anyways, Nigeria is one of the places that I would love to visit again some day, I know it is not safe now, but I hope that soon it will be so that I can go back to my old home and check out my child hood school and if I am lucky go see our old house, I always wonder who could be living in our house, I will never forget the days when I use to live in Nigeria with my family, it will always have a special place in my heart, to me Nigeria is one of the best places that any one could live in.
A song for mama!!
I was looking at my friend's blog and I came across this song for mama, when i heard it I realized how much I miss her....
Mom, my heart beats because of you, I am living because once upon a time you gave me life, you gave me your life and for that I will forever be grateful, you may have left this world but you will never leave my heart, where ever I go and whatever I do, I know that you are there and up above watching over me.
For you mama....
Mom, my heart beats because of you, I am living because once upon a time you gave me life, you gave me your life and for that I will forever be grateful, you may have left this world but you will never leave my heart, where ever I go and whatever I do, I know that you are there and up above watching over me.
For you mama....
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Unknown friend and a Trip to Europe and South Africa...
Last night I was reading something about someone, while reading I realized how special that person is, I have known him for a while now but when I was reading something that he wrote I found out that he is completely different from what I thought he is, and that we actually have lots in common, he is a friend of mine but we never did really become close because of so many things, but I think that the few times that we use to spend together we use to enjoy each other’s company, reading his blog made me realize how much I miss him and how much I want to know him more. What I’m trying to say is that never judge someone until you know that person very well, and never ever listen to what people might tell you about anyone, I heard so many things about this friend and that is why maybe I was never very close to him or even try and know him better, even though a mutual friend once told me that he is nice and very sensitive and shy but unfortunately I did not listen, it is to late now cause I think that he is far away, I wish I could tell him that he is such a nice person and the way he writes is amazing and it makes you want to read more and know more about him and his small family. I will do my best to get in touch with him and try and fix what I have done. I stayed up until 4:30 am reading his blog, I wanted to write a comment but I thought to myself I will tell him what I think in person I hope that I will be able to see him soon. I feel bad for not knowing him better when I had the chance. Ooo well what can I do, nothing I guess, expect when I get the chance I will make it up for him for sure.
Sunday is my favorite day of the week, looking outside the window and seeing the sun makes me miss the spring and all the greens, so I decided to go out for a walk I know it is going to be cold but I don’t care, in my mind and my heart I know that the spring is coming soon, and that will all change soon too. By the way I finally decided to do my tour but instead of going to Paris and London cause I have been there few times before, I want to go some where new so I decided to go to Greece, Spain, Italy, and of course South Africa and finally to Lebanon, I think that this tour will take about 2 months, so I spoke to my travel agent and booked my flight for the 28th of April and will return at the end of June, I will be celebrating my birthday in Europe, a very close friend of mine lives in Greece, she wants me to be there for my birthday, she thinks that when I go to Greece I will find the love of my life, and because I am in love with this country and I have met so many Greek people I thought to myself hell why not??? but I will have to wait and see if what she says is true though.
Sunday is my favorite day of the week, looking outside the window and seeing the sun makes me miss the spring and all the greens, so I decided to go out for a walk I know it is going to be cold but I don’t care, in my mind and my heart I know that the spring is coming soon, and that will all change soon too. By the way I finally decided to do my tour but instead of going to Paris and London cause I have been there few times before, I want to go some where new so I decided to go to Greece, Spain, Italy, and of course South Africa and finally to Lebanon, I think that this tour will take about 2 months, so I spoke to my travel agent and booked my flight for the 28th of April and will return at the end of June, I will be celebrating my birthday in Europe, a very close friend of mine lives in Greece, she wants me to be there for my birthday, she thinks that when I go to Greece I will find the love of my life, and because I am in love with this country and I have met so many Greek people I thought to myself hell why not??? but I will have to wait and see if what she says is true though.
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