Monday, June 15, 2009


I did mention before that Sunday is my favorite day of the week, I don’t know why, maybe because it has been always my lazy day, anyways, yesterday was Sunday, and because of that my sister and I decided to go to the beach for the day, we went to a place that is so beautiful, every time I come to this place I feel that I belong there, you see, 3 years ago when I was battling for my freedom I came here to clear my mind, it was a wise decision, knowing me and how much I love the ocean my brother in law and my sister took me to the Le Meridien President (Merridien resort on the beach), I stayed for a week in that resort , what I loved about the resort is that there is an area by the ocean that is so private and so beautiful, I use to walk there every morning at sunrise and talk to the ocean, I actually once wrote a letter and threw it away, I remember that day as if it was yesterday, I was very upset with my x and my heart was beating so fast I couldn't breath, I was alone, I wanted to be alone, so I decided to write a note and throw it away, maybe some how my mom will read it, I have no idea what I wrote, all I can remember is that it was something that my heart was saying and I was just writing without realizing what was it that I was writing, this is why I sometimes believe that our hearts are the leaders of our minds, I could be wrong but sometimes this is how we deal with whatever we face, we use our hearts or at least I do, I know I shouldn’t but sometimes I just can’t….
Anyways, back to the present, so yesterday we went to the same resort only to spend the day over there, they have a really nice swimming pool for the kids and adults, I of course swam for 2 hours and after that I walked to my favorite spot and sat there for almost an hour, just listening to the sound of the beach and enjoying the most beautiful view that you could ever see, I think that I could do this all my life just sitting by the beach and see how far it is and imagine how deep it could be, it was windy yesterday but I did not mind it at all….while I was sitting there a good looking guy came and we talked for few minutes , guess what!!! he was Canadian, from Toronto he is here for business, we talked for a while and we found out that we have lots in common which is interesting and weird at the same time, anyways, I had to say bye to him cause it was time for me to leave, before I left he gave me his phone number and asked me to call him when I get back home, I don’t know if I will, I am going to have to wait and decide later.

Every time I leave this place I feel that something that is inside of me is kept there in the ocean, sometimes I feel that when I die it is going to be here, because it is where I belong….

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