Thursday, June 11, 2009


I am far away from home now; it’s been quite an experience travelling and seeing parts of the world that I haven't seen before. Now we are in June, that means that we are half way through the year, amazing how time flies… how fast things are going scares the hell out of me, but then I say to myself, this is life and life goes on no matter what….. it is now 9:00 am in the morning here in Africa,  Senegal to be specific and with my cafe au lait in my hand I thought back to last night, while I was having dinner at this beautiful French restaurant with my friends we talked about love and here is what I came to realize about this beautiful emotion, there are mysteries about love, things that neither of us may ever understand because love is an emotion without limit and understanding, we know we love each other but we could never explain completely as why we love each other, love is not a clock, you simply cannot take it apart just to see what makes it tick, and even if you could you probably could never get it back together again…

P:S: I decided to name this post Amour (which is love in French) since I am in a place where every one speaks French even my sister and her kids, I have to really think hard before speaking to my niece and nephew and after I come up with a sentence they laugh at me, I think that I am the joke of the year here in this country, but I don't mind it at all , I like it when I make someone smile especially if this someone is my niece or nephew....

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