Monday, April 20, 2009


This afternoon while I was waiting for my doctor to show up, something just clicked into my head, this rarely happens to me but maybe because of all the changes that is going on in my life right now, my inner self kinda talked to me and here is what I came up with, change! Think about it, change is everywhere, minute by minute, in all walks of life, change is constant, inevitable. The fruit of change is opportunity, and its seed will nurture you, and from change spring growth, progress and fulfillment. When you mange change, you embrace it, find the good in it, hear its promise, learn from it and the world becomes an exciting place in your desire to know what comes next. So no matter what changes are happening in our live we have to always look positively at what ever is changing in our lives, because change is part of our existence, no change, no fun, no life.

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