Friday, February 27, 2009

A Painting..

Even though I slept late last night I woke up early today, I wanted to sleep more but I couldn’t so I got up and had my coffee and then went to my accountant to get my taxes done, well, this is the first time for me to visit him at his home, and there I met his wife, and for some reason she liked me to much that it made me feel so uncomfortable, she kept talking to me which I did not mind but what scared me is that she kept looking at me and telling me that I am so beautiful and that she wants me to meet her son, I had to lie to her and told her that I am seeing someone right now, she said that if I ever want to meet someone new to let her know, isn’t that funny!!! Anyways after that we actually talked about other things, I also liked her too cause she is a good talker and funny too, she actually invited me to have lunch tomorrow with her and her husband I had to say no, it didn’t feel right, besides I do have other obligations for tomorrow.

I bought a painting today it is so beautiful, it is the picture of a little girl that is looking somewhere beyond her sight and smiling but at the same time there are tear drops coming down her checks, for some reason when I looked at this painting I saw myself in it, even though it is way beyond my budget I decided to buy it, I want it to be the first thing that I will hang in my new condo. The painting reminded me of me when I was younger, I use to always look forward for the future but at the same time I use to always be scared of it, and that made me cry. I remember when I was just 8 years old, I use to have this dream about me going to Spain, and getting lost in the middle of no where and some how someone comes and takes me to a place that is so beautiful and peaceful but then that person leaves me alone and after that I use to always wake up and cry, I don’t know why, even though the dream wasn’t scary at all I think that this dream is a message that I am suppose to understand but up till this day I have no I idea what is that dream suppose to mean, I still see it from time to time and for some reason when I saw this painting today it reminded of the dream maybe this is why I bought it even though it was pricy. Anyways I cannot wait to hang it in my new condo, I think that it will give my little apartment the insides of me, so that when people comes and visit me they will know me better I guess!!, I am going to have to wait and see what people will think.

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