Back to yesterday, it was a lovely night, there is something traditional that we do in Lebanon while having an amazing night and that is smoking the Argeele (they call it here hubbly bubbly), it is something that I do from time to time only with my very close friends and not very often, we do it cause it gives the evening a booster and makes it more fun. Of course we spoke about love and today or I should say yesterday, we made a mission for ourselves which is, that we have to find someone and soon, so that next year we will be celebrating love with that person, I think that it is not an easy assignment but I will do my best to succeed, you see, I like someone, and I think that, that someone also likes me, so here is what I am going to do, is try and talk to him and broke the ice, because I think that he is shy and scared to approach me even though I am a relaxed person and if only he knows how special he is to me, I don’t think that he will fear to do it at all, but I promised my friends that I will help him out and see how it is going to turn up to be, I just hope that it is not an illusion and that he shares my feelings.
Toward the end of the evening, we were so tired but I also felt happy for some reason, and guess what?? We decided to go to San Francisco in March, I have a week off from school and instead of staying here in Ottawa why not go to my favorite city SF, and enjoy the best sushi that you could ever have, I love sushi and the best place to have it is in SF. I also spent the best days in my life in SF, I think it is the most beautiful city in the world and I think that if some one did not go to SF they should, it is worth every second of your time and life, I can’t wait to go and drive in the high way going toward the half moon bay area, it is amazing and the scenery is like heaven. I went to SF last September with my friends we went to The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay hotel, it is by the beach of the half moon bay area, we stayed there for a week and I use to every morning just walk by the beach and enjoy it, just looking at it made me feel like my life is complete, I could stay there for hours just walking and enjoying the sound of the beach, of course the food was also great. There is a pizza place in the heart of down town SF, it is an Italian pizza place I can’t really remember the name of the restaurant since my brother is the one who took us, they have the best Pizza that you could ever have, this is one of the things that I will go to as soon as I get there, (of course I need to ask my brother what is the name of the restaurant) . I am so excited about this trip; every time I go to SF I feel like I am born again, I think it is my pill of happiness.
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