Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I have to admit that being with out a job is something that is not as bad as I thought, I know and I hope that soon I will find something. Anyways, yesterday as I was walking in the mall with a very special someone we came across a gallery, it had lots of paintings, and the one that captured my eyes the most is the one with the drawing of our city Ottawa, I always knew that Ottawa is such a beautiful city but seeing it through a painting made me realize or remember how beautiful it is and how lucky we are to be living in a such beautiful city, I have been to so many places through out my life, I actually went to Paris 2 years ago, yea it’s beautiful and yea it is the city of love, the fashion is amazing and the food is great, but with all this I still did not like it as much as I love our Ottawa, I love the market, in the summer time I always go walking with my friends or even alone for hours enjoying the most delicious ice-cream and the most beautiful city and the nicest people that you could ever run into I actually made friends from just walking there and meeting new people I consider myself to be lucky to be living here I travelled a lot but I always tend to come back to Ottawa to my home , I just love everything about it, a friend of mine that I met from my previous job said to me once that she had never been to the market, I was shocked and now my mission is to take her some day when we both have time to the market and let her see how lucky we are to be living in Ottawa.

Now back to my original topic, looking at the paintings I was amazed by how talented some one could be, I wish I could paint like that, I think that if some one is blessed with such a talent should be lucky, because through their work they can release all their stress and send a message to the people through their gift. I love art music, cooking, and painting these are things that is so amazing and so beautiful cause they are part of each of our lives and we need this every day as the days passes by cause with these three things in our lives it gives a meaning to it and it makes it more bearable, when I’m sad and upset I love to listen to music, cause music is life, and food makes people happy and smile and painting is the unknown, the past, the future and the present, it’s the inside of us, our deepest feelings that through it only we can see the true us. I envy and respect anyone that has these gifts cause to me to be granted the gift of art is something beyond anything that is in this life.

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