Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wandering around...

This morning I woke up very early, I also couldn’t sleep last night and I have no idea why???, anyways, while having my cup of coffee and the best chocolate chip cookie I was trying to decide what do today before class and before my presentation. I wanted to do something before the day progress and the next thing I know it is time to go to class and start the presentation. My group members want me to present they think that I have the skills and I can talk in front of people, I did not want to disappoint them so I said yes! But now I kind a regret it, I will be talking about capacity management for about an hour the though of it makes me a little nervous, but I know that I can do it and I hope that we will get a good mark since it is a huge project and it is 30% toward our final mark. I don’t know what is wrong with me and presentations I always seem to be put in a situation where I have to present, I don’t mind doing it though, I think it is the best way of learning.

I looked outside and I saw that the day is still young; I decided to go to the market or down town for a walk and get my second cup of coffee from Starbucks, so up I went.

While I was walking in the market few hours ago, I was thinking and my eyes were wandering I said to myself what a perfect way to start the day, looking at people getting ready to go to work and start their day and students going to the university to look after their future, made me think and realize how amazing life is, when we are younger we worry about the future and our marks and wanting to get a good job and buy a new car, and when we get older and become more experienced and have the job that we always wanted, we worry about so many other things, like for instance these days we are all worried about the economy and how it is going to affect us. I thought to myself we always seem to have something to worry about, I can’t recall anytime that I did not have to worry about anything, I think that this is part of life, to me life is a long soap opera that never ends. Anyways, I walked from Rideau center to the market to Ottawa University and went into the neighbor hood of that area I think that I got lost, since I have never seen it before, people are actually living there, there are some old homes and apartment buildings and some are for rent, looking at it made me think, since I am planning to buy a condo soon, I said to myself, why don’t I buy a condo in downtown, where it is close to everything and I love it, I think that I like the idea, I just need to talk to my cousin who is a real estate agent and see what he thinks. Anyways, I kept walking and thinking for about 2 hours, I then realized that I was tired and I need to go back, I have no idea how I came back to the Rideau center and from there I went to chapters and got myself a book and a cup of coffee, now here I am sitting at Starbucks waiting for my group members to show up so that we can discuss the remaining of the project before presenting it tonight at 7:00 pm, ooo well! I have to go now, there they are all 4 of them :-), we are not just group members we are also good friends.

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